Hi, my sweet man, XXXXX, from the another country!
I received your letter and I want to tell you how much I need you. Your words and love in my heart make me crazy and impatience! I love you and I can ' t think in the other way! I do not want to think in the other way!
My dear I have the passport and I send him to you as you asked! I love you my unique John!!!
You are with me no matter what I do and I think that together we can move a mountines. I wrote you about possibility of our metting and I hope that soon we will be able to see each other and tell all pleasant things to each other! You are so far right now but I have a hope and a great feelings of our close relations. I love you and I want you to know it!
I think that every girl is dreaming about her prince and I think that I can call you my prince, my dream from childhood.
My heart is crying when I think that time just goes away and at this time I can kiss you, touch you, just hug you and feel your energy, the warmth of your body! I wish I could feel that just right now. I can only imagine it for me and I can share with my dream with you! I hope that you will like my dream! I can see you in the moon light and you give me your hand, I think that it is a magical moment and I giving my hand to you and after this I know that all will be fine in our lifes because we are together and we love each other. Do you like this dream?
I think that maybe it is too hurry for us but I just cannot wait and I cannot stop dreaming about us. You are deep in my heart and it is want to tell you: " MR VICTIM, I love you! "
I can feel no matter distance that you are with me. I can imagine your smell, it is tender and I think that it could be called a chemistry. I love you so much.
The weather is so pleasant now. It's rather sunny and I want to jump with the happiness that seizes me all over.
I love you, darling baby!!!
So, I think that all is in our hands and we will be fighting for us. I love you and, sweetie I wish all the best. I am with you, Sveta.
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