Found on a dating site, then went to Yahoo chat, where she eventually was 'sad' she did not have money for the bus to go home to the province for New Years.
She claimed she was a cashier in a large mall.
When her cam came on, it looked like the setting for a 'cam girl', and there are a pair of legs visible on the bed, behind her.
I asked her to stand up, and you see the results.....
I pretended I would send her money......but, of course didn't.
Later she contacted me, angry.
jennymae princess: i chatt allday
ME: you do?
jennymae princess: and niight
ME: wow
jennymae princess: yes
jennymae princess: coz i need money
ME: you do this for money?
jennymae princess: yes
So....she 'does this for money'..........
Particularily around the holidays, you run into this...
I think 'Jenny' is a cam girl, on a slow night, doing some begging or scamming on the side.
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