Hello my dear XXXXX !!!
How are you doing there??I hope everything is ok and you have a lot of reasons to smile!!!
At least this is what I am doing now. I know we have written to each other only several
letters but I must honestly say that you have captured my attention. I can't explain this.
But who ever could explain women's logic or way of their deeds? I guess never and nobody)
So even if you ask me how is that possible I will honestly say to you: I don't know.
I am just thinking about you more than it is needed and
I am curious about you more than it is expected)))
Dear XXXX, I would like to be everything you want, but just to be with you!!!
I make me feel so special, you know how to treat your woman!!!
you know, it was my dream to meet such a man like you! I can still believe that it has
come true!
My sweetheart, with each letter we explore each other more and more and I can't help being
pleased with this.
John, I will close by now but I want you to know that I am looking forward to your soon reply
with enormous impatience!
Yours only Liliya
Note: this is a 'script', pre-written letters used be scammers, with 'my' name inserted. I'm responding with nonsense, which they don't read. I've even attached some totally unrelated pictures, which they don't look at.
Example of 'my' letters...
My wetness, my throbsome, my Lili my frilly smelly dumpling. My beautiful compost heap. Consume me with your heat. Let us rot together. I live entirely for you alone. I want your body. I want it now. Can we not comingle, humungously yet languidly in lolling bliss roll? Come! Words fail me. But Come, Come, oh yes! Come! Your tauntingly teasing titbits trouble my tortured tailings. I wish to exude lovingly on your person. Life is too short to contemplate consequence. Let us pleasure ourselves now! Be open with me, as I am with you. Wide open my harbour, my refuge, my prison! Enough of mere words. We must act, and act now. Play me. Please be mine my swoon.
Who is pulling this scam? Small groups of MALE criminals!
Don't send money to somebody you only know from the internet!
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