Hello XXXXI am very pleased, that you have answered my short
The message. Excuse me, that I so During long time I did not answer you and
Did not think, that you will answer me. I awfully understand the Internet
In a computer and system. Therefore I am grateful to my girlfriend. As
She has slammed me, write here. She has found the good person through
The Internet. Now they have concluded a marriage and happily live in
Germany. The Russian men cope only in satisfaction
Pleasures. Many of them strongly wish some alcohol and drugs . I read about
Big Familiar through the Internet. But I all as could not dare to
Write to whom - that. I have no any computer in my house. Yes, it - is valid
Pity... I cannot answer you during the same moment as you. And I am courageous
To write the short letter to you and for me that you have answered was
With unexpected. It is very pleasant for me!!! I want to tell in
Once I search for it. I search for the friend, and can and more. All
It because I am lonely also I does not find Understanding in my city. I
Had in a life of 2 serious attitudes. Last have been finished in November 2004.
First my attitudes were with the person whom I have acquainted when
I studied at Technical University. When I have reached his house, me
Have learned, that other woman waits for the child from him.
The second attitudes to me should be finished, as my person , which I
Living very much many see and beaten me, it did not respect me. It sees many
From alcohol and constantly used fists against me! And now I cannot find
Understanding in our society. Certainly our city, big and it not such
And the problem to find the partner, but also something me stops all. I
Have decided to find the partner through the Internet, and I was really
Pleased, that you have written to me the letter in the answer. It - a
It is a little about myself and about what where I live. To me 28. My birthday-
On okteber, 1980. My height - 5 foots 6 inches. My weight - 130
Pounds. It will be for certain probably in a photo which I to you I
To send. How concerning you my photo, I hope it to you, it is pleasant?
I live in Russia, in city Ivanovo. You heard about it? It - very much
Ancient city. Ivanovo is located in 750 kilometers from Moscow. Ivanovo
The big and well-known city in Russia, it is located on the river
Volga. I have higher education. I began my formation
In high school, in Ivanovo. After I have finished it, I have
The entered Economic Ability of Technical University. I have finished it 2
Years ago. Now I work as the bookkeeper. I am borrowed in financial
Affairs of our firm. This firm, not so big. I work here not so for a long time
Time, approximately 4 months. Within the working day I can use a computer and write
Letters. It is more convenient for me. I really would like to know
Your interests , your race , languages which you speak, a hobby? Tell to me
Small is more than bats about you. I also shall tell to you more about me in
The following letter. I send you my pictures. I hope, that my letter will not be
Break you. I shall wait for your letter and your picture with
Impatience. But if you are not interested, lower me some words. It
Important for me.
I shall wait for your letter tomorrow.
Your Russian girlfriend Lena.The Bat! (v4.0.24) Professional
(German IP)
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