Hi dear,
Honestly i most first ask for apology to bordern your respected life and for the surprise this letter may be seen to you because we have not been in much communication. But i want you to bear with me, it is because of the urgly situation one fine herself into which lead me to open up to you.
How's life over there with you? believing it's all right. I will like to tell you more about myself and seeking for your help. I'm Ms Mariam Jonathan Brown, the remains daughter to Late Dr.Jonathan Brown, who was the former Vice Senate President of the Republic of Liberia and Standard bearer of the Liberia Diamond and Gold National Union Unity. My late father through investigation die because of his position in the country and the rebels were commanded by their boss to attack my father home one cool everning. The death of my father gave the trop chance to double cross Liberia National Union and breaking down the bridge between the Diamond and Gold of Liberia.
I'm alone in this world as it's now, i do not have any onward relationship. My parents and my only brother is death in the crisis in Monrovia Liberia. My late father solder friends brought me over with them to the near by country of Liberia, the Gambia during the time of the war. So from there i took the portfolio box of my late father with me to the near by country of Gambia which is Senegal. So in Senegal, i seek asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Dakar , Republic of Senegal, there i live now in the missionary camp for safaty purpose. I'm seeking for a future commitment partner. I need someone to trust what belong to me and who can promise me to lead me through out from this camp. I do not have any international passport with me to travel, what i used here is the refugee Id card given to me by the United Nation here in the missionary home. Here in the camp, there is no free movement, no good food, no good water, i write you all this letter through the help of my girl friend, who is the secretary to Rev.father Mark. You can reach me through the phone number of Rev.Mark, +221768593783, when you call tell him you want to speak with Ms Mariam Jonathan Brown from Liberia. You can see the reasons that lead me to search for a true one for freedom. After you might have gone through my letter, i think you will decide within yourself any possible way you can take me in your life to help me out. I'm not gona be a bordern to you but i asure you of my true self.
To bring you more closer to who is writing or speaking to you, i have an original documents proof that cover the sum worth usd$5.6million dollars. I saw this documents in the portfolio box of my late father. The contents in the portfolio box is so many documents of my late father's propareties. The money usd$5.6million dollars was the one written in my name as the next of kin, it was a surprise to me because i never knew of such documents exist since the life time of my father. This is another most reasons why i seek asylum under the United Nations High Commission for safaty of my life and the documents, knowing that one good day, someone will help me out to claims what belong to me, despite am a woman. This is another reason why i say, i will not be a bordern to you but be submissive to you in all areas of life. So only what am seeking for is that true, trust and honest partnership to lead me through out from this darkness condition of life here in the refugee camp.
I will be glad if you would take me for who iam, give me your true promise to stand for me in making the claim and release of the money from the deposit outfit. I promise to send to you the proof documents and contacts of the bank for more enquires. Please tell me more about youself, your contact information and home address. Immediately i hear from your honest interest to assist me out, i will send to you the fully contact information of the bank where the fund has been deposited. Thereafter you might have confirm the deposit from the bank, than you can procced for the claim on-behalf of me to your country. More-so, i have the desire to start back my university studies with your help in your country. The money when transfer in your position, can be invested in your care by any good profitable business. I will be waiting to hear from you as soon, meanwhile to get your own interest and adivce over everything as i have explain in fully details, till then, i wish you a nice week, happy day and goodbye for now.
Sincerely Yours,
Note:Picture is most likely stolen, and does not depict the actual scammer, or anyone involved. These scams are pulled by men!
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