Hello my name is Svetlana.
I from Russia and I live in Cheboksary city.
I seeking a male for serious relation.
I hope to have found my love in the internet
Please reply to my e-mail babochka112345@rambler.ru
Your friend Svetlana
Hi John. It Svetlana
I am very glad to receive your letter.
I thought you will not answer my letter. But you have answered. Thanks you for your answer.
My letter not completely clearly to you will be possible.
I cannot open at once to you.
But I think that it to not prevent to learn us better.
I want to write about myself.
And also I shall send you my photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is pleasant to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To me of 27 years.
I was born on 7 July 1981.
I live in the house with my mum.
My father has died 8 years ago. He has gone to serve to the Chechen Republic under the contract.
He was the different soldier, military. Always could protect our family. When I was offended at small age by
I always spoke the father, that me offend. My father always protected and helped us with mum difficult minute.
Well him any more did not begin. And we with mum have remained to live one in this world.
It is huge loss for us.
Well all will suffice we shall not speak about it. To me and so now it is hurt to recollect. That we one with
I do not want that you asked me about the father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because it will be hurt to me to answer
your questions.
Today it is the closest and favourite person for me., it is my mum.
And already as 8 years of me bring up and to teach in this world one person. SHE IS my MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no brothers and sisters, and I have no own children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to have own family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to lift own children.
I have been given birth also dews in Cheboksary city.
My mum already now does not work. She cannot work any more. As already old. In the age of.
And all our charges on residing are taken by me on myself. I pay for all.
And consequently I was brought up by mum so that I was the independent girl. I shall tell about mum in the
following letter.
Now, as I spoke, I shall write about me directly
As I spoke already, I have been given birth in 1981. Till 6 years I have gone by a kindergarten.
I have gone earlier as my mum spoke, that I the clever girl.
Since 7 years I started to go from school.
I studied very good.
When I have left school with the Red certificate in 1995, and I have left in
" Cheboksary state humanitarian university ".
Faculty of pedagogics and technique of preschool education and foreign language - the English language.
As I had the fine certificate about my finished school.
I could study in University free-of-charge.
In 2000 I have finished studying in university.
Since that year I work in Cheboksary in one of schools of city of Cheboksary. It is school 69.
School settles down to the address :
The city of Cheboksary
Street of Lenina, 13B.
My work will be to bring up in children a sound mind. That children became educated.
Were able to read and write. That they were happy in this life. I also see off with them class hours.
Where I tell it, about different cases in our city. As passes through road.
My work with children compels me to be more attentive.
My work with children is more difficult than with adult people.
And my work is more pleasant me. And I have pleasure, that I can help children.
Probably the love to children has arrived to me with my age.
And now I have understood, that children - are our future.
Therefore I would like to have my own children.
I shall ask me why I have chosen you?????????????????? Why I shall not find the the man in own
The country?
I do not know as the answer you. YOU KNOW, THAT the MAN SHOULD HELP the WOMAN.
My girlfriend, my colleague has suggested me to find acquaintance to the inquiry
I write to you the letter from a house. I HAVE the PERSONAL COMPUTER of the HOUSE.
I bought a computer 1 one year ago. I took money on credit. Also bought a computer.
I ask you to not trust other girls. Because in Russia each citizen has a computer of a house.
Because each person can take a computer on credit. You understand me my friend?
I can write to you letters from a house every day. But I am on work. Also I can miss your letters. I shall try to answer your letters every day.
Well, I shall finish this letter. You reading my letter and if you agree on
Continue with me acquaintance.
There can be I can ask to you one question: " YOU WANT TO CONTINUE WITH ME CONVERSATION ON THE INTERNET
Thanks you THAT YOU COULD LISTEN to me. Thanks you that you are in this world.
TELL to me I CAN WRITE to YOU the LETTERS???????????????????????????????
Svetlana sweet
3 February 2009
Greetings my desire John
How a you ?????? How at you mood??
I want to tell to you the warmest of feelings to you.
Let while I was not present near to you. These words of you warm. Well.
When I think of you going away,
It makes me sad and get all mad,
When I hear your name it makes me smile,
My friends say I could go on for a mile,
But to let someone go away from you,
It's like tearing your heart into pieces of two,
I just want to say,
That I still like you,
Even if we are just good friends,
I'll still believe in you,
May God guide you where ever you go,
And remember I'm here to watch your light grow.
Sometimes life is never fair
when you think your friends are always there
the years you think will be the best
fun and games you never rest
you’re all together side by side
they always helped you when you cried
It’s hard to see, but very clear
It’s like a crystal, like a tear
you see them now in memories
the way they laugh and speak and tease,
but in your heart you’ll always know
they are by your side they’ll never go
I shall wait for your answer on THURSDAY. I shall worry and experience for you. Because you not near to me.
And you while are far without me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to tell to you: That the Distance does not play the BIG ROLE.
It does not frighten me. The love can be in any place. And in any city and the country. It is just necessary to search and
wait the love.
5 February 2009
The Bat! (v3.0.1.33) Professional
(Mari El Republic)